The business of the Office of the Auditor-General is steered by one Department:  Regulatory Audit and one Directorate: Administration, as well as three Sub Divisions that report directly to the Office of the Deputy Auditor-General.

  • Regulatory Audits:

    Provide audit assurance to O/M/A s, Regional Councils (RCs), Local Authorities (LAs) and Legally Assigned Statutory Bodies and Funds in terms of Sections 25, 26 and 27 of the State Finance Act, 1991(Act 31 of 1991) in accordance with International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs).

  • Administration:

    Is responsible for providing administrative support and advisory services on issues pertaining to Auxiliary Services, Human Resources Management, Finance and Information Technology, to OAG employees and other stakeholders. Ensuring that rules and regulations of administrative processes are correctly understood, implemented and complied to.

  • Internal Audit and Risk Management:

    Assisting the Office of the Auditor-General and its Management in accomplishing its objectives, by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of organizations risk management, control and governance processes.

  • Public Relations and Communications:

    Serve as a link between the Office, and its external and internal customers, to ensure that information is communicated timely, effectively and in an economical manner Read more


  • Government Offices, Ministries and Agencies
  • Regional Councils and Local Authorities
  • Legally Assigned Statutory Bodies
  • Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
  • General Public

Dealing with your complaints

If you have any comment, suggestion or request about the activities or services of the Office of the Auditor-General you should contact:

The Deputy Auditor-General:
Phone: +264 61 285 8000
Fax: +264 224 301
E-mail: info.comm@oag.gov.na

123 Robert Mugabe Avenue
Private Bag 13299; Windhoek-Namibia

Public Relation Office:
Tel: +264 61 285 8202
E-mail :info.comm@oag.gov.na

And if you are still not satisfied with the response from the Office of the Auditor-General, you may approach Office of the Prime Minister. Should you still not feel satisfied you may approach Office of the Ombudsman.

Partners and Standards

The Office of the Auditor-General Namibia is a member of AFROSAI, which is one of the 7 Regional organizations of INTOSAI.We are implementing standards as prescribed by INTOSAI(International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions).

The Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Namibia(i.e. the Office of the Auditor-General) is an active member through the regional working group AFROSAI-e and voluntarily participates in various subcommittees and working groups.

These are the Working Groups:(please click on the links)

Our International Partners:


Click on the image to be navigated to the pages (INTOSAI, AFROSA, AFROSAI-E)